Den Profetiske titel: Den bedste skabelse
Hassan bin Thābit (radiallāhu 'anhu) sagde i et digt om Profeten Muhammad (Allāhs fred og velsignelser være med ham):
wa shaqqa lahu min ismihi liyujillahuImām Busīrī (rahmatullāhi 'alayhi) skrev i den berømte Qasīdat ul-Burda:
fa dhul-'arshi Mahmūdun wa hādhā Muhammadu
And He drew out for him [a name]
from His own Name so as to dignify him greatly:
The Owner of the Throne is the Glorious [Mahmûd],
and this is the Praiseworthy [Muhammad]!
Må Allāh give os oprigtig kærlighed til Profeten Muhammad (Allāhs fred og velsignelser være med ham) og styrke vores forhold til ham. Āmīn.Famablaghu al-'ilmi fīhi annahu basharun
wa annahu khayru khalqillāhi kullihimi
So the apex of knowledge concerning him is that he is a human being
and verily he is the best of all the creation of Allah.
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