fredag, marts 11, 2005

Den Profetiske titel: Den bedste skabelse

Hassan bin Thābit (radiallāhu 'anhu) sagde i et digt om Profeten Muhammad (Allāhs fred og velsignelser være med ham):

wa shaqqa lahu min ismihi liyujillahu
fa dhul-'arshi Mahmūdun wa hādhā Muhammadu

And He drew out for him [a name]
from His own Name so as to dignify him greatly:

The Owner of the Throne is the Glorious [Mahmûd],
and this is the Praiseworthy [Muhammad]!
Imām Busīrī (rahmatullāhi 'alayhi) skrev i den berømte Qasīdat ul-Burda:

Famablaghu al-'ilmi fīhi annahu basharun
wa annahu khayru khalqillāhi kullihimi

So the apex of knowledge concerning him is that he is a human being
and verily he is the best of all the creation of Allah.

Må Allāh give os oprigtig kærlighed til Profeten Muhammad (Allāhs fred og velsignelser være med ham) og styrke vores forhold til ham. Āmīn.