torsdag, marts 17, 2005

The Superiority of Fiqh over Hadīth

Allāhs Sendebud (Allāhs fred og velsignelser være med ham) sagde:

"It may be one carries understanding (fiqh) (meaning: memorizes the proof-texts of fiqh) without being a person of understanding (faqīh)" (At-Tirmidhī, Abū Dawūd, Ibn Māja og Ahmad; hadīth mashhūr)
Imām Sufyān Thawrī sagde:
"The explanation (tafsīr) of the hadīth is better than the hadīth" (al-Harawī al-Ansārī, Dhamm al-Kalām)
Imām Adh-Dhahabī sagde:
"The majority of the hadīth scholars have no understanding, no diligence in the actual knowledge of hadīth, and no fear of Allāh regarding it" (Al-Sakhāwī, al-Jawāhir wa al-Durār).